Warframe unofficial guide

Why i made this website

The reason why I made this website is because too many people have made newbie mistakes when starting this game thus leading them into dropping one of the best free to play games that rival other looter shooter games with a full game price tag.

Another reason why i made this website is because of how many players forget that theres a recruitment chat and forget to properly ask for help and spam random invites to veteran players or people with a high mastery rank to help them with vors prize or something trivial

The idea of this website was to guide the newly awoken tenno to the endgame while avoiding hurdles i.e doing open missions(specifically the 50-60 levels) while being severely underranked or trying to take on an Terralyst while not progressing through the story enough

for any questions and suggestions contact me at


Discord:M4GATSU_AN4RCHY #3938